Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Movie review for Austenland

Pre movie tea party
Pre movie tea party
As a Jane Austen fan I was pleased beyond belief. The movie starts out with misfit characters and awkward moments like; the ex-boyfriend who says “I’m as good as it’s going to get” and the Napoleon dynamitesque travel agent. When Mrs. Wattlesbrook the caretaker of Austenland talks about the obsessed Austen fan I couldn’t help but laugh at myself as I sat in a Scottsdale (also known as snobsdale) theater in my Regency dress.
Me is my regency outfit
Me is my regency outfit
Miss Elizabeth Charming stole the show with her outrageous funny one-liners. You couldn’t help feel sorry for Jane Hayes who is shunned for not having money and for still being single at her age. Martin, a humble servant, is the reality in Jane’s fantasy. With a little Persuasion storyline Captain George East arrives and there are plenty of shirt removals and bulging muscles to put “Twilight Jacob” to shame. (Stephenie Meyer’s contribution to be sure.) When Colonel Andrews came on screen and the lady behind me yelled out “Frack,” I knew I was among my people. The movie was romantic and  hilarious all at the same time. A very Bridget Jones Diary kind of show and if you can’t get Colin Firth to play a modern-day Mr. Darcy than Mr. Henry Nobley played by JJ Field’s is by far the next best thing. In fact….. move over Mr. Darcy there’s a new show in town and it’s Mr Nobley.

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This is a must see movie; you will laugh until you snort; you will get verklempt at times; Aaaahhh at the tender love scenes; and like any good Jane Austen story you will get your happy ending. 

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