Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Book Reviews

I decided since I love reading I might be interested in doing book reviews on my blog. I did a search on how to do a book review and found a great blog on this very subject; “Writing a great book review by Tristi Pinkston.” http://tristipinkston.blogspot.com/

After reading the book, give it a day to let everything you read settle in. Write a synopsis of the plot in your own words.

Make a criticism sandwich. Share something you like about the book. Then add something you feel could’ve been stronger. Then close with another thing you liked.

Talk about how the book made you feel or things it made you think about. Explain what your feelings were while reading the book.

Always put a link on how to purchase the book.

Here’s a recap: A book review should tell about the book; it should tell how you felt about the book; it should give the readers a way to buy the book when they are done reading your review.

Some reviews include a bio of the author. You can include interview questions or whatever you want to do is great.

Check back soon for a new book review. If anybody has a book they want me to review please let me know.