Monday, October 1, 2012

Book review of “Eona” by Alison Goodman

*This review will have spoilers if you haven’t read book one.

The sequel to Eon is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. It was grabbing from the very beginning and didn't let you rest until it was over. And even after it was over I couldn't stop thinking about the book. I really wish it would go on and on. To me it was comparable to some of the best epic fantasy stories like, Sword of truth series and the Lord of Rings series.

The story starts right off after Eona’s real gender has been revealed and the kingdom has been conquered by the King’s evil brother Sethon. Kygo should have taken the King’s place after his death but instead Sethon has taken the Kingdom by force. Eona has seen many people slaughtered and almost all the other Dragoneye’s and appreciates have been killed by Lord Ion. After they escape Ryko has been wounded and is on his dying bed. Dela begs Eona to save him and she finds that her healing powers make him a slave to everything she wills him to do. Ryko despises her for making him a slave. Their group finds the Emperor Kygo and they start making plans to help him win back the throne.  A romance develops between Eona and Kygo but Eona doesn’t know if she can trust him. Does he really want her or just her power over her dragon to win a war?  Eona tells the Emperor that they will have to breakout Lord Ion from Sethon’s prison so he can teach Eona how to control her dragon. When they find Lord Ion he is almost dead from torture. Eona heals him and he becomes her slave. They are the last two Dragoneye’s left and a special bond develops between them. Even though Lord Ion killed all the other Dragoneye’s and was their enemy, Eona senses a change in him. She keeps many secrets from everyone especially Emperor Kygo. Her friends Dela and Ryko are starting to think that she is becoming more like Lord Ion and desires power.  In the end Eona is torn between two very different men. Everybody wants her power to rule and Eona has to decide who she can trust. 

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